A calm dental experience awaits
Dental Sedation
We offer a relaxing, calm environment when we carry out your dental procedures. We offer fear free dentistry.
Dental Sedation
If you’re one of the many people who tense up at the thought of any dental treatment or would rather endure the agony of a toothache than step foot in a dentist’s surgery? You’re not alone. A lot of people are so anxious/phobic about going to the dentist that they avoid any treatment….. all this does is compound any issues and can make it more complicated and expensive to treat.
For people who avoid dentists like the plague, sedation dentistry will reduce your anxiety. Sedation can be used for everything from invasive procedures such as implants and extractions to simple tooth cleaning. How it’s used depends on the severity of the fear
Your questions answered
Dental Sedation FAQs
What kinds of sedation do we use?
We offer IV sedation at our practice. Very few dentists are able to offer this option to their patients, as such other practices send or refer patients for this to us. We’ve been providing it over 20 years!
- IV sedation. The patient is injected with the sedative drug, Midazolam via a vein, normally in the arm. The effects are immediate, the intensity of sedation is monitored by the dentist including Oxygen levels, pulse rate and blood pressure throughout the session. At the end of the session you will be able to walk out of the surgery, although you may be a little unsteady. A suitable escort / responsible accompanying adult will be required at the session end to accompany you home. Another advantage of having treatment this way that there is an element of amnesia whilst the medication is working, so patients do not recall / remember what or how things have been done. This is great for building confidence and for treatments requiring multiple visits.
If you are afraid of the dentist and have a constant phobia or have some anxiety relating to your appointment or proposed procedure, let us know that you would like to consider sedation and we can advise as to your suitability.
Why Horsforth Smile Clinic for Dental Sedation?
Your patient-friendly practice promotes a warm, friendly service where you are at ease the moment you come to see us. Visiting the dentist can be a traumatic experience, and we aim to calm your nervousness and give you a great, professional experience at the same time. We have over 20 years experience in providing this solution.
Patient care is our main concern. From ensuring that the practice has reserved suitable appointments with appropriate allotted times, to offering the most modern in dental interventions – each feature of your dental care journey is precisely considered.
Quality of care
We want everyone to have a fantastic dental experience. Patient care is our top need and we consistently measure our delivery here. We are assessed routinely by the Care Quality Commission – the body responsible for regulating all health care services.